Mistakes are the most important part of our Life,

According to you, it may not be, but according to me they are, every man jack keeps their right hand on their chest and promise to their own self not to do mistakes,

nobody will take this promise, that's the only thing you don't want to do, but you do it "mistake" and mistakes teaches you not to trust anyone even not to your own soul.
why you don't promise to do mistakes? because you don't trust your self or are you a coward?
At the same time, mistakes give you two life lessons first of all trust nobody, and second of all you are a coward or you aren't? the second point gives you situations. If you are a coward You repeat the mistake knowingly and don't
give a shit at all and pretend to be a brave guy, a real man.

if you are a coward you know the mistake and will try escaping from it, but believe me, mistakes are faster than you and if you get away, telling the world about your mistakes and putting an effort into gaining sympathy isn't going to work because nobody even cares how fucked up you are,
repeating the same mistake again and again telling to yourself this is my last time/mistake, These all are a sign of a coward and a loser man.
So the question here is who is a brave man? the one who made the mistake
accepts it, tries not to repeat it again, no matter what the situation is, and faces the mistake he has made.
mistakes are not mistakes after once.

Note: Only some have to agree and can comment on their views.
(man here doesn't mean only men man means every human being)
Thank YOU!